Hi, I’m Joycie.

Joycie Weatherby


  • Los Angeles, CA

Astrological Big 3:

  • Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Rising, Libra Moon

Human Design:

  • 3/5 Manifestor

What do I do?

  • I didn’t think I would become one, but I can safely say I’m a multi-hyphenate?! Primarily, I’m a client partner. I take in the assignment. I understand what the client wants to accomplish and then I help us get there  - collaborating with the clients, strategy, creative, and production partners.

How did Experiential find me?

  • By accident. It was my first job out of college. I was at an agency working on the Nestlé business. Most of the work was sales-driven tactics, but then an odd project bubbled up: engage people in high traffic areas and serve them coffee, for free. It was the dawn of guerrilla marketing (and the beginning of my interest in coffee).

Companies I’ve worked with:

  • Honda (Autos, Service, Financial Services, Corporate), Mazda, Mullen Technologies, Red Bull, Bacardi, Gallo Wine and Spirits, Nestle. I’ve also worked on many lifestyle brands during my time at Studio Number One.

What do I LOVE about this work?

  • I love helping to create immersive, authentic, and interesting experiences.

My work style in 5 words:

  • Curious. Thorough. Spreadsheets. Collaborative. Integrity.

What are my interests outside of work?

  • Mindfulness. Movement. My tea practice. Birds (watching and caring for my flock of hens). Creating wellness experiences for individuals and groups. Finding just the right GIF for laughs.

Dream travel destination(s):

  • Kyoto, Scotland, the Jane Austen Festival in Bath, England - no really

Always in search of:

  • Music to add to my tea playlists

Something you want to learn:

  • Falconry

How do I find balance?

  • Connecting with the present moment so I know what I need (rest, nourishment, water, alone time, et cetera).

I always say:

  • There are many paths to a destination.